Monday, December 15, 2008

Important Five Questions In A Sales Letter!

People have included all kinds of sales pitch in their sales letter but sometimes still wouldn???t achieve the results they want. The importance of a sales letter is likened to having a shop to sell cars. If the looks of your shop isn???t delivering a good impression, no one will be going to buy your cars.

Thus, you must make sure that your sales letter have answers to the most basic questions, and instill interest in your visitors towards your product just with these five specific questions:

1. What???s in it for me?

The number one rule of salesmanship ??" people only buy for one reason, which is for getting the results from a product, for more details visit to what they will receive out of it. To achieve this, you must be quick in catching their attention since the beginning with your headline. Create a very convincing headline and tell your visitors what they will get in one shot through your headline.

2. How will my life be better?

This is where you have to understand the emotional appeals that attract your prospects like moths to a flame. Do they want to become richer, smarter, better looking, thinner or more popular? Do they want to save time, money or effort?

Study your niche market until you know what emotional buttons to push and you???ll see a huge increase in your sales instantly. Use their desires to attract themselves, that???s where you will get them nodding their heads and continue reading right until the end.

3. Why should I trust you?

People are skeptical when it requires them to take out their wallets in order to buy a certain product. You need to clear their doubts by providing positive testimonials from your previous customers and emphasize the benefits of your product.

If you don???t have testimonials for your product, for more details visit to search for forums related to your niche and offer to give a complimentary copy in exchange for a testimonial ??" usually you will get a hot response in no time.

4. What will happen if I say no?

You are not going to let them say no, that???s it. Remind them about the problems that they are having, the frustrations, how much money will they lose, or how sad their lives are currently ??" and tell them how they can change all of them in one shot, just by a small investment in your product.

5. Will I be stuck with your product?

This is where you seal the deal. Tell them that you provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee, they must get it now. The most important thing is to make them buy, and the rest depends on their choices. 70% of the people who purchase a product will not refund it unless they have seen something similar before or they???ve planned to only ??oeborrow??? it since the beginning.

When you have all these points to answer your prospects??? questions in your sales letter, not only will you gain an unfair advantage over your competition but also let your prospect know that you care about their problems and you have the solution that they need.

niche marketing: video marketing

niche marketing: niche marketing

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Hiring dedicated SEO consultants

When you have large volumes of SEO tasks, the best option for you will be to hire dedicated SEO experts from India. With full time SEO professionals you are assured of good search engines rankings, skilled resources, cost advantages, excellent communication, flawless project management, quick query handling and a result oriented approach.

Hiring dedicated SEO experts had separated those that succeeded in online marketing and those languishing at the bottom with no traffic to their websites. Full time SEO experts had always been behind every success business person on the Internet.

Do you remember that you never go beyond the first page or a maximum of two or three pages in Google or other search engines, when you are looking for something? Your clients would be doing the same thing. Unless your web pages are going to be displayed at the top, you stand very little chance of attracting traffic. Dedicated Search Engine Marketing consultants would be able to help you in this matter in the correct fashion. Only they could come up with the content that is geared to best possible search engine optimization.

Benefits of hiring full time SEO experts:

1) Optimize Sites for Top search engine rankings

It is a hard game of survival or death out there. Either you get to the top pages of the search engines or you wait for ever expecting traffic to come. To achieve this, you either hire full time Search Engine Optimization specialists or you keep on wondering why nobody is visiting your website.

Dedicated SEO experts do a lot of research about your niche products or services and analyze your website and your competitors to build up an effective strategy in order to optimizing the website in right direction. They are masters with promoting a business in its local niche or say local search engine. If your targeted customers are based in UK, they your Search Engine Marketing specialist or the team will focus in promoting site in UK search engines like Google UK, Yahoo UK, MSN UK and others.

2) Manage Content for high visibility

Dedicated SEO experts know that right content creation is a very important route to high visibility. They are relentless in making the site search engine friendly and content completely optimized as per the search engine preferences. They are masters with keywords. They experiment with hundreds of keywords before coming up with the contents for your website.

3) Make your visitors stay longer in your site

Dedicated SEO consultants from quality SEO companies optimize the site in 100% ethical manner to get top rankings in the search engines naturally. Only organic rankings stay for longer and deliver better results. They ensure that your site is promoted with a strategy to drive target visitors and increase ROI.

The visitors would be guided step by step through the entire website in an unobtrusive manner, holding their full interest. The page titles, internal cross linking of the pages, and advanced page designs are crucial to retain the visitors.

The longer your visitors stay in your website, the more the chances of converting them to your business. The truth is simple. Hire dedicated SEO experts to succeed in your business or suffer the fate of thousands that had been left behind.

Hire Dedicated SEO Experts for providing full time 100% ethical SEO services in affordable pricing.

Outsource services to SEO firms in India and get the advantage of cost effectiveness, effective communication, diverse pool of skilled SEO consultants and guaranteed results.

niche marketing: internet video

niche marketing: internet video

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